- Amber
Case@caseorganicCyborg Anthropologist - James
Halliday@substackbrowserling, testling - Guillermo
Rauch@rauchgSocket.io, LearnBoost - Mikeal
Rogers@mikealNodeConf, Gather - Jack
Moffitt@metajackHacker, Entrepreneur - Henrik
Joreteg@henrikjoreteg&yet - Eran
Hammer@eranhammerFormer OAuth Editor - Matt
DeBergalis@debergalisMeteor - Owen
Barnes@socketstreamSocketStream - Daniel
Shaw@dshawVoxer - Ward
Cunningham@wardcunninghamWiki Creator - Jose
De Castro@loopingrageTropo - Fred
Cheng@fredrociousSimperium - Arnout
Kazemier@3rdEdenNodejitsu - Luigi
Montanez@LuigiMontanezUpworthy - Peter
Saint-Andre@stpeterCisco, Jabber - Will
Chan+Will ChanSPDY, Google - Dave
Cridland+Dave CridlandIsode - Nathan
Fritz@fritzy&yet - Julien
Genestoux@julien51Superfeedr, msgboy - Adam
Hitchcock@northisupDisqus - Roberto
Peon+Roberto PeonSPDY, Google - Kyle
Drake@kyledrakeGeoloqi - Bear@bear&yet
- Emily
Rose@nexxylovefuture cyborg - Brian
Beggs@macdiesel412xmpp+hardware hacker - Ben
Langfeld@benlangfeldMojoLingo - Glenn

A Melting Pot Conference For Realtime Technologies
We're developers first.
We asked ourselves, "What would an ideal realtime conference look like? Let's do that." 2011 was a blast and we can't wait to do it again.
A smaller gathering means bigger value.
Everyone gets more out of conferences that are centered on making connections. No elitists here—you'll talk to everyone.
"Impressively polished."Nate Smith, Derby.js
See For Yourself
To kick off one full week of realtime, we're also hosting RedisConf on October 22nd. You can stay up to date on conference news at redisconf.com.
At &yet's 2011 Keeping it Realtime conference, Redis was the most widely used tool for realtime architecture, regardless of platform—and many people were using it quite differently.
Venue & Accommodations

Located in the heart of Portland’s Pearl District, the home of RealtimeConf 2012 is a distinctly modern two-story building with expansive glass walls, exposed concrete floors, and a 40-foot hangar style ceiling. The venue is also surrounded by award-winning restaurants, world-class shopping—and did we mention coffee?

Courtyard by Marriott- Portland City Center
Cosmopolitan, modern, sophisticated and in a class all its own. A classic, Portland boutique hotel, with each room individually decorated with local artists’ work. The Courtyard was also designed in a highly conscientious way, utilizing renewable materials down to the details of the guest rooms. It prides itself on being Portland’s greenest hotel.

Significant others track
Our resident Portland aficionados (independent filmmaker and world traveler, Melanie Brown and &yet Art Director, Amy Lynn Taylor) will lead a delicious two-day tour of Portland’s best coffee, culinary arts, and culture.
Highlights include the stunning Chinese Gardens, the Portland Art Museum, and boutique shopping in the Mississippi Avenue Arts District. Not to mention more Portlandia trivia than you can shake a cruelty-free stick at.
"This has been amazing. It's a melding of the minds."Kyle Drake, Geoloqi
From the blog
Interested in sponsoring?
Email us at yo@realtimeconf.com

"I'm already looking forward to next year's conference!" Geoff Schmidt, Meteor
"Number one conference I regret not going to this year." Mike Brevoort