Day One
- Jack Moffitt - History of Realtime
- Guillermo Rauch -
- Adam Hitchcock - Making Disqus Realtime
- Julien Genestoux - A Better Web
- Dave Cridland - XMPP in the Browser
- Roberto Peon and Will Chan - SPDY
- Arnout Kazemier - Websuckets
- Jose de Castro - WebRTC
- Ben Langfeld - Adhearsion
- Fred Cheng - Simperium
- Henrik Joreteg - The State of Realtime at &yet
- Amber Case - The Invisible Interface
Day Two
- Matt Debergalis - Meteor
- Owen Barnes - SocketStream
- Daniel Shaw - Observability
- Glenn Block - Node on Azure
- Peter Saint Andre - Presence
- Eran Hammer - OAuth 2.0 - Looking Back and Moving On
- Emily Rose - Realtime Hardware with Node.js
- Brian Beggs - Distributed Sensors with XMPP
- Bob Wyman - Lightning Talk
- Luigi Montanez - SSE Deep Dive
- James Halliday
- Kyle Drake - Threads and Events in Harmony
- Ward Cunningham - Federation
- Mikeal Rogers
- Adam Brault - Closing